Starmourn 3-2 three-race composite

ready to blast off?

A galaxy of adventures awaits!

Alternative client connection:, port 3000
We highly recommend using our client, though. Just hit play now.

Immerse yourself in the cosmic playground of Starmourn using the Nexus Client, now accessible on Android and iOS. Fuel your interstellar adventure from anywhere in the universe.

Development News

Westworld is a MUD

October 11, 2016

Are you guys watching Westworld on HBO? If not, go do it. Find a way to watch it! It’s fantastic, and one of my favorite things about it is how unbelievably similar to designing and running a MUD or MMO the show is. For those unfamiliar, the tl;dr is that customers come to this fake…

Welcome the Krona!

September 30, 2016
Krona male

We revealed the Krona player race today – a somewhat strange-looking race of belligerent show-offs. A little behind-the-scenes fun fact about them: This isn’t what they originally looked like, at all, and we redid them to be more interesting. Here’s how the player race process typically works, though this process gets broken or things get…

Interview with Matt Mihály – Starmourn's Creative Director and CEO of Iron Realms

September 22, 2016
Matt Mihaly levitating

Today, I had a chance to sit down with myself and find out a little more about what I’m working on. I’m both the one asking the questions and giving the answers. I’m a one-man interview machine! Q: CEO and Creative Director, huh? You think you’re better than me? A: Uhhh…This is an interview about…

Welcome to the Starmourn Blog!

September 21, 2016

We’ve started a dev blog for Starmourn! That’s pretty much it! It’s the first place you can really officially leave comments for us though, and that’s a fun step forward.

Come Chat With Us

scoundrel small and transparent
Shen - final - no background

Game Features

Elaborate Starships

Celestine Ascendancy missile cruiser.

Pilot increasingly-powerful, highly-configurable starships for battle, exploration, asteroid mining.

Deep PvP Combat


As with all Iron Realms MUDs, our PvP combat is deep and broad, with hundreds of abilities.

Epic Universe

Starmourn Janilyn

An all-original universe with over 50 alien races and civilizations and a detailed history and setting.


Diverse Classes

B.E.A.S.T. - reduced

Five initial character classes, ranging from armor-clad B.E.A.S.T.S. to void kith using Nanoseers.

Male Ry’nari - final - no background

Player Crafting


Player crafted clothing, jewelry, food and drink, starship mods, and more. Create truly unique items!



Customize everything from your eye or feathers (where applicable) color, your age, even your weight.



Starmourn is a MUD that's roleplay-encouraged, meaning we won't force you, but hope you do.

Click below to watch the OG launch trailer from 2018!