Game Help Files

12.4.5 The Benu System

The Benu System is located within the Celestine Ascendancy territory and is home to Benu Wen, the homeworld of the W'hoorn race.

Benu Wen is a popular tourist attraction thanks to its misty valleys, lush, moss-covered mountains, and countless winding rivers. The skies are picturesque: atmospheric gasses give it an unusual, attractive shade of coral, and four small moons in distant orbit provide an ever-changing tableau.

The capital city of Benu Wen, Vertenalith is a tall city, one of vast scale and intimidating height. Many of the dozens of skyscrapers in the city are topped with hanging gardens, the W'hoorn being fond of elaborate plant art that takes advantage of the planet's lower gravity.

The Siva River
Carving a deep canyon from the ground near Vertenalith, the Siva River and surrounding area is a lush, untamed nature reserve with abundant - and fierce - wildlife.