Game Help Files

92.2 Timeout

You may set a timeout limit, in minutes, which controls how long you may be idle before you are automatically disconnected from Starmourn.


   Example: CONFIG TIMEOUT 5 means if you do nothing for five
            minutes, you'll be disconnected.

Why set a timeout?
A timeout is meant solely to keep your defenceless body from remaining in the realms if, by some twist of bad luck, you are disconnected or lag severely. Otherwise, your body may be still in Starmourn, and you may reconnect to find yourself dead, your ship destroyed, or worse.

You should not change your timeout in order to accomodate going AFK (away from keyboard). You should also not set a trigger to prevent yourself from being timed out if you are not actively playing. Should you die, get robbed, and/or lose experience due to your triggers keeping you online while AFK, you will not be compensated for these losses.

Autoreconnect options on your client could also cause a lot of trouble for you. Either do not use them, or be certain you know the risks.