Game Help Files

9.4 Voice Commands

In addition to the various commands listed in HELP SHIP COMMANDS, there are a number of commands the captain can speak aloud which will have the same effect. Simply SAY the word listed below.

   COMMAND                EQUIVALENT
   -------                ----------
   halt                   SHIP HALT
   turn/bearing <dir>     SHIP BEARING <dir>
   launch/takeoff         SHIP LAUNCH
   dock/land              SHIP DOCK
   full space thrust      SHIP THRUST FULL
   target <target>        SHIP TARGET <target>
   fire beacon            SHIP BEACON
   fire countermeasures   SHIP COUNTERMEASURES
   fire <module>          SHIP WEAPON FIRE <#>
   autofire <module>      SHIP WEAPON AUTOFIRE <#>
   activate <module>      SHIP MODULE ACTIVATE <#>
   deactivate <module>    SHIP MODULE DEACTIVATE <#>