Game Help Files

5.1 Speaking

Speaking in Starmourn is as simple as typing SAY followed by whatever you want to say.

So if...
   Eukelade types:    SAY Hi there!
   Others will see:   Eukelade says, "Hi there!"

Both ' and " work just like SAY. You can also address someone directly using SAY TO <person> or SAYTO <person>.

For example...
   Eukelade types:    SAY TO ORYX It's you!
   Oryx will see:     Eukelade says to you, "It's you!"
   Others will see    Eukelade says to Oryx, "It's you!"

Emoting can be tagged onto the say command using the following syntax:

   SAY (speaking in a harsh tone) You will pay for this, Oryx.

Everyone sees:
  Speaking in a harsh tone, Eukelade says, "You will pay for this, Oryx."

If you are using a prefatory phrase in conjunction with talking TO a person, you
must use them in a specific order:

   SAY TO ORYX (speaking in a harsh tone) You will pay for this.

Placing 'to oryx' after the prefatory phrase will not work.

You can also use certain emoticons, a.k.a. smileys, to further express your speech. These only work if you use them at the end of whatever you are saying.

For example...
   If Tecton types:   SAY Punch it, Chewie! :)
   Others will see:   Tecton happily says, "Punch it, Chewie!"

For a full list, see HELP EMOTICONS.