Game Help Files

7.11 Damage

Damage can come in many forms, and from many sources. Every damage attack that you inflict or receive falls into one of these categories.

Each attack has a damage source (where it originated from), and a damage type (what kind of damage it deals). The actual damage is then modified based on your various resistances and bonuses for these damage sources and types.

- melee (e.g. kithblades, MWP wristblades, ...)
- gun (MWP weapons, Gunslinging, ...)
- kith (Fulmination, Voidism, ...)
- tech (Engineer abilities, Nanotech, IEDs, ...)

- impact (physical damage, be it from a bullet or a kithblade)
- thermal (fire or plasma damage, also Fulmination)
- cellular (damage to individual cells, mainly from nanites)
- EM (electromagnetic damage, see below)
- draining (Voidism)
- electric (some Engineer attacks)
- unblockable (damage that cannot be resisted for some reason, rare)
- mental (currently used only by mobs)

Most player attacks scale to a weapon or a weapon-like object (such as an engineer toolkit). Those that don't (most notably Suittech and Plasmacasting) scale to player level instead.

EM Damage
EM damage is especially useful against mechanical targets. These targets have a vulnerability to EM damage, and a natural resistance to all other types of damage.

Electric Damage
All electric damage applies a portion of it as Static which sits in your wetwiring and has no effect other than to power certain Engineer abilities. To monitor static buildup in your wetwiring, you can enable messaging about it through WW MESSAGES.

Limb Scopes
Certain abilities target particular body parts, detailed in their AB file if they do. This mainly influences how armor resistances and armor mods are applied. The possible limb scopes are: 

Limb scope                 Applicable armor slots
Head                       Head
Torso                      Torso, Waist
Left or right arm          Arms
Left or right leg          Legs
Left or right hand         Hands
Left or right foot         Feet
Whole left or right arm    Arms, Hands
Whole left or right leg    Legs, Feet
Trunk                      Head, Torso, Waist

Thus during an attack that targets Head only the resistances and armor mods of the armor in the Head slot would apply.