Game Help Files

6.10.5 Weapon Selection

When you are looking at a weapon, either in your possession or in a shop, you will see something similar to this:

   -- A Wrocyn Raider piece -----------------------------------------------
   Owner:        Unknown                             Usable life: 200 mo.
   Mass:         Small                               Resetting:   No
   Type:         Piece                               Power:       4718
   Manufacturer: Wrocyn Weaponry                     Model:       Raider
   Health:       in perfect shape (100%)             Min.level:   20
   Durability:   Average                             Genelock     Unlocked
   Description: With a grip made for the hand of a gunslinger and a long
   barrel, this P.I.E.C.E. has clear history of use judging by the scuff 
   marks across the weapon. Nonetheless, the trigger mechanism and ammo 
   chambers work flawlessly, and there is little doubt that it could still 
   mow down a host of enemies, given half a chance and a scoundrel with 
   good aim.

The main things to pay attention to when deciding whether or not the item is a good choice for you are: type, min. level, and power. You can also use the COMPARE command to evaluate weapons (see AB COMPARISON).
Each class can only use particular types of weapons. 
   Scoundrel: P.I.E.C.E., knuckledusters, toolkit
   Nanoseer: gauntlet, goggles
   Engineer: toolkit
   Fury: kithblade
   BEAST: wristblade, shield, minigun, missile launcher, netlauncher, railgun
Min. level
The minimum level required to use this weapon.

This is a metric taken into account when factoring how much damage each ability causes. Weapons with a higher minimum level generally have higher power (see HELP DAMAGE for more).