Game Help Files

14.1 Covenant Marks

The Covenant Mark is the standard currency in Starmourn. It is almost   
universally accepted as payment for goods and services.                 

In order to see how many marks you have, type MARKS for a detailed      
summary. Your total amount of marks is also displayed in your SCORE,    
under "Resources."                                                      

Dealing with marks is a bit different from dealing with other items.    
Rather than using physical notes, bills, coins, etc., in Starmourn all  
currency is digital and may be swiftly transferred, from anywhere at any

MARKS TRANSFER <#> TO <person> Transfer marks to an individual.         
MARKS DEPOSIT <#> TO <organization> Transfer marks to an organization.  

You also have several subaccounts available, which are used for specific
purposes. For example, there is a CARGO subaccount, from which funds are
drawn when you store cargo at a station. (Please note: If you owe marks 
due to storage, payment is taken when the cargo is removed from         
storage.) To move marks between subaccounts:                            

   MARKS MOVE <#> TO <subaccount>       Move it to the subaccount.
MARKS MOVE <#> FROM <subaccount> Move it back to your main account.     

To see a ledger of your last 40 expenditures use MARKS LOG.