Game Help Files

14.7 Resources and Goods

RESOURCES are the start of every production line, from simple asteroid tethers to the highly complex machinery used to place a new autofactory. Raw resources are extracted from the environment through various means (see HELP MINING), and then refined into usable materials (see HELP REFINERY), which can then be turned into further intermediates or finished goods in an autofactory (see HELP AUTOFACTORY and HELP MANUFACTURING). 

The Resources currently available in Starmourn are:
	Diamene - A mineral that conveys multi-dimensional info well, making it a sought after material for processor arrays.
	Isotropic Duramine - A mineral that serves as an additive in creating certain alloys and plastics. 
	Astrium - An exotic element mainly used in power sources, which generally require it as HDS (High Density Stabilized) Astrium.
	Stesium - A radioactive mineral that becomes extremely rigid under pressure. Used in ballistic ammo and in linear drives.
	Titanium - The core resource used to make paristeel and transteel, which are used in everything from buildings to ship superstructures.
	Magnaril - A mineral capable of holding other materials together almost as if they were highly-magnetic.
	Helium-11 - A form of helium that's capable of super-fluidity at reasonable temperatures.
	Elessium - A gas that stabilizes things like antimatter and dark matter, often used for interfering with skip drives or shields. 
	Tritium - A gas primarily used to harden R-glass.
	Ultarine - An explosive gas used to manufacture kinetic ammunition. It is also used as an additive in the production of some other items.
	Iriil - A material closely tied to kith, displaying properties of different states of matter..
	Vandium - A type of crystal capable of powering one-way wormhole generators, seeing wide use in skip drives, as well as an important ingredient for materials like R-glass and nanoplastic..

GOODS is a catch-all term for everything produced in an autofactory, often using a combination of resources and other goods. The latter are often referred to as intermediaries or intermediates, as they are only useful for producing other things. Examples would be paristeel, nanoplastic, or processor arrays. Commodities that can be directly used are referred to as finished goods, for example kinetic batteries, tethers or refinery cores. 

You can find out what your goods are good for with: 


or what you need to produce a commodity you want with: 


Putting it into action
More often than not, arriving at a finished good involves several steps. Using QPC as an example, we get the following output from those commands: 

> autofactory whatfrom QPC
Item                                                  Autofactory
-----                                                 -----------
Semi-autonomous astromech (astromech)                 Bots
Gas harvesting drone (harvestdrone)                   Bots
Subspace counter-measure (countermeasure)             Explosives
Mineral probe (probe)                                 Resources
Universal matter manipulator (umm)                    Bots
Sensor Package (sensors)                              Processors
Capacitor battery (capbattery)                        Ewar
Modular power core (modular_powercore)                Qpcs
Autofactory core (autofactory_core)                   Structures
Structural repairkit (structural_repair)              Repair

> autofactory whatmakes QPC 
Autofactory Type: Qpcs
Made from:        1x HDS Astrium (hdsastrium) 3x Stesium (stesium) 3x Ultarine (ultarine)
Batch size:       1 units
Cycles:           1000 cycles

Resources and Goods will never enter the player's inventory as they are too large or heavy to be carried around in your pockets or pack. They go straight into your cargo storage on your ship(s), a space station, or structure (see HELP CARGO for more information). As such, the only way to move these goods and resources around is through the use of a spaceship, or by outsourcing your shipping using cargo contracts (see HELP CARGO CONTRACTS).