Game Help Files

9.18 Stations

Stations function as hubs for certain areas of space, providing transit options via shuttle or PTP (Point To Point) teleportation services that in turn allow planet-side exploration.

STATIONS by itself will list all the stations you have transited to or docked at, providing you both with the coordinates, zone and how many subsectors away it is from you in list format.

If you have MXP enabled (CONFIG MXP ON), you can click the GO tab beside most stations to start walking to that station. Any station that lacks a GO option, you cannot walk to as it is not part of the shuttle transit network.

Beyond transit, stations also provide other activities and services but not all of them will. Basic services include but are not limited to:
- Docking
- Transit services
- Repair shop
- Cloning facilities
- Quickmark Pawnshop for junk sales
- Shipforges for resupply
- Free repairs while docked

Some of the more advanced services available on more heavily trafficked stations can include the basics, plus:
- Modification workshop facilities, for working on mods.
- Trade networks
- Insurance brokers
- Mail delivery
- Station missions

Stations require regular maintenance, which is handled by the unseen operators and technicians aboard the station, however if certain extra repair tickets are completed by spacers - you - additional functions and services will come online for as long as that level of maintenance is maintained. Stations will never drop below 100%, but when at this value they will not provide any benefits.


STATION MISSION LIST - Shows the missions currently available to you. If you are factionless, you will only see passenger missions for Omni Station.

STATION MISSION <id> SHOW - will show the specific details of a mission, such as rewards and any effects completing the mission will have.

STATION MISSION <id> UNDERTAKE - Only used for passenger missions, and used for starting the passenger mission.

STATION MISSION <id> COMPLETE - finishes a mission once you've completed the task.

STATION MISSION LIST will list missions you can undertake for a station - either from Omni or your faction station. There are two kinds, "Passenger" and "Commodities" or simply "Comms".

Comms missions will require you to have a certain resource - usually an autofactory related material like transteel or some refined resource like diamene - stored on station, not on your ship, on the same station you want to complete the mission for. There is no need to specifically claim the mission, just complete it if you have the material to do so.
Completion will increase the station's integrity by the stated amount and the action will be recorded in your faction logs, which can result in additional rewards from your faction if there is something in place for that.

STATION MISSION <id> COMPLETE once you have the required materials on the same station, no need to UNDERTAKE

Passenger missions, should you choose to UNDERTAKE them, require you to safely transport a VIP from one station to another. The catch is there is someone out there that will want your VIP dead, and does not care whom they kill in the process. Mercenary ships will engage and pursue you until you successfully hand off the VIP at the requested destination. Getting the VIP killed will result in failure, and no payment.

You do not need to engage the mercenaries, but if you do not they will just attack anyone they see to vent their frustration so notify your local Wardens.


At certain integrity thresholds, certain effects from your station will come online, enter STATION STATUS to see current station integrity levels. They are as follows:

At 115% or higher, transport shuttles move faster.
At 130% or higher, ship repair speeds are tripled while docked.
At 145% or higher, using SHIP BOOST while docked will increase your maximum speed by 15% for one hour, and can be used once every 24 hours.