Game Help Files

9.10 Ship Repairs

When your ship takes damage, of course you will want to repair it!

Be sure to equip your ship with an astromech or three (viewable in SF SUPPLIES), since they can be destroyed when your ship gets damaged. You also need repair kits (also in SF SUPPLIES) for the astromech to use. Unless you are looking for trouble, 25 is a safe number of kits to have on board.

Once your astromech is installed and repair kits are loaded, you do not have to do anything further. The astromech will repair your ship as needed in the manner it best sees fit. You can, optionally, prioritize repairs instead of the automatic default:

   SHIP REPAIR <comp|HULL|AUTO>       Repair a component, or the hull, or revert
                                      to automated repairs.

Additionally, if you dock at any station, you may SHIP REPAIR without the use of any repairkits at a much slower rate. If the station is one of the three factional stations and its status is at 130% or above, repair will go three times as quickly. This station repair still requires an astromech.