Game Help Files Workshops

Workshops are the center of attention for mod research and development. Anyone with a modding tradeskill can WORKSHOP ESTABLISH at a designated mod office located on Stations across the Sector.

Available workshop commands are:

WORKSHOP ESTABLISH [adj]                Establishes a workshop
WORKSHOP RELOCATE                       Relocates your workshop (20,000 marks)
WORKSHOP ENTER                          Enter your workshop.
WORKSHOP LEAVE                          Leave your workshop.
WORKSHOP REDESCRIBE                     Redescribe your workshop (10,000 marks)
WORKSHOP STATUS                         View info about your workshop.
WORKSHOP ASSISTANTS LIST                View info about your assistants.
WORKSHOP ASSISTANTS INFO <id>           View detailed info about an assistant.
WORKSHOP ASSISTANTS FOR HIRE            Browse assistants for hire.
WORKSHOP ASSISTANTS HIRE <id>           Hire an assistant.
WORKSHOP ASSISTANTS FIRE <id>           Fire an assistant.
WORKSHOP PARTS STORAGE                  Show parts in your workshop storage.
WORKSHOP PARTS UNPACK <id>              Unpack a crate of parts.
WORKSHOP PARTS PACK <part> <#>          Repackage a parts into a crate.
WORKSHOP RESEARCH STATUS                View general info about your research progress.
WORKSHOP RESEARCH <effect> <#> [GLOBAL]  Invest research credits into a mod effect.
WORKSHOP <RE|REVERSEENGINEER> <mod>     Reverse Engineer a branded manufacturer mod.
WORKSHOP LICENSE <WEAPONS|ARMOR>        Purchase a design license to design your mods.

Workshop Staff

To help run a successful workshop, you'll need the help of a workshop Manager and up to three workshop Assistants. Assistants will assist you in fetching parts, improving your relations with manufacturers, and researching effects. The Manager is your source for workshop quests, which let you travel the Sector on missions that advance your modding progress, and for mod shipment orders. 

Each Assistant has four stats: Intelligence, Logistics, Charisma, and Loyalty. Intelligences makes them better at researching mod effects, Logistics at fetching parts, and Charisma at negotiating with Manufacturers. An assistant gains progress towards leveling up their stat each time they succeed in the relevant task. Each time they gain any stat point, they also gain a point of Loyalty, meaning Loyalty is capped once all other stats have reached level 10. Points in Loyalty further modify the result of all tasks. To improve stats directly and more rapidly, you can also send them for professional development.

WORKSHOP STATUS, ASSISTANT INFO, and ASSISTANT LIST contains information on the whereabouts of your assistants. If you want to view your standing with manufacturers, use FEELINGS.

Assistant errands have a 16 hour RL cooldown during which they cannot take another errand.

Workshop Parts

Different mod effects require different parts to manufacture. The parts are: Aerogels, Nanotubes, Amorphites, Metamaterials, and Superalloys. You can gain parts through reverse engineering, manager quests, and assistant errands. You can also repackage parts into crates, as well, and send them to a friend or sell them to another modder.

Workshop Research

To research a mod effect, you must have the relevant modding skill. To research an effect, you either task an Assistant to do so, or you acquire and invest research credits. There are two types of Research Credits: Manufacturer and Global. Manufacturer Research Credits are specific to each Manufacturer, each of which has various mod effects associated with it. They are gained by reverse engineering that manufacturer's mods. Global research credits cannot be normally generated, and are only granted in specific situations.

Crafting Mods

To craft a weapon or armor mod, you first MOD CRAFT CHASSIS. This creates the empty shell of a mod-to-be. You then install effects in it using MOD INSTALL <effect> INTO <chassis> AT <level>. Mod Effects have levels ranging from 1-15. The higher the level, the more parts it takes to craft and the more difficult it is to research. 

Installing ship mods uses a different approach. Consult HELP SHIPMODDING for more details.

Crafting Together

Any modder can install effects into the chassis in their workshop, but only the person who created the chassis originally can MOD FINISH <chassis>. Research in mod effects only matters when INSTALLing the effect, not when finishing the chassis. That means you can craft a chassis in your Workshop, give it to an associate to INSTALL a mod effect you have not researched in their own Workshop, and then return to your Workshop to FINISH it. Working together as part of a team is a great way to create mods with powerful Mod Effects at levels normally out of reach to individuals.

Design & Licensing

You can design the look and feel of your mods using the MOD FINISH <chassis> [design#] command, but to do so you must first WORKSHOP LICENSE <WEAPONS|ARMOR> at the cost of 200 bound credits. This is not mandatory, however, and is only for those who want to add an extra bit of flair to their mods.

There is currently no designing of Ship Mods.