Game Help Files

3.2 Attributes and Stats

Players in Starmourn have up to five stats (or statistics) which affect various aspects of your character. Three stats are common to all players, while two are based on your class:

   Common Stats:
   Lifeforce   affects max health
               (1 effective point = 5 additional health)
   Evasion     chance on incoming damage to evade part of it
               (10 effective points = 2% reduction in incoming damage when fires and .5% increased chance to fire.)
   Regen       affects the efficiency of your passive health wetwiring
               (1 effective point = .03% of max health increase)

   Class-based Stats:
   Strength    affects damage with melee weapons and fists/feet
   Aim         affects your aim with ranged weapons
   Psyche      affects kith abilities and mental abilities like telepathy
   Techcraft   affects specialist tech, and nanotech skills
   Agility     affects acrobatic abilities
   (10 effective points = 1% increased damage for affected abilities)

Each of these stats may affect other things besides what is listed. The stats used by each class are as follows:

   B.E.A.S.T.  Strength, Aim
   Engineer    Aim, Techcraft
   Fury        Strength, Psyche
   Nanoseer    Psyche, Techcraft
   Scoundrel   Aim, Agility

You gain points as you level up that can be spent on stats. You can also earn rewards that may grant a temporary OR permanent stat boost.

An overview of your stats shows up in SCORE (or SC). You can see more detail, and adjust your stats, with the STATS command.

   STATS SHOW                         Show current stat layout.
   STATS INVEST <stat> <points>       Spend points to up stats.
   STATS REWARD <stat> <points>       Give reward points.
   STATS RESET                        Reset all invested points.