Game Help Files

12.1 Directions

The Milky Way Galaxy rotates continually, with its center referred to as
the core, and its outer limits referred to as the rim. The Starmourn    
Sector's placement in the galaxy is such that the core and rim are      
located in relatively static directions. On navigational charts, these  
directions are labelled Coreward and Rimward, and appear in the         
conventional positions of North and South. The positions of East and    
West, then, are instead labelled Spinward and Antispinward, referring to
the direction that the Milky Way rotates.                               

Galactic     | Cardinal
Direction    | Direction
Coreward     | North    |
Spinward     | East     |
Rimward      | South    |
Antispinward | West     |

The space within the Starmourn Sector can be divided into four          
quadrants, with each quadrant named for its relative direction to the   
center of the sector. These quadrants are sometimes referred to using   
conventional geographic directions.                                     

Quadrant (Galactic              Ordinal 
          Direction)            Direction
CA (Coreward/Antispinward)    | Northwest  | 
CS (Coreward/Spinward)        | Northeast  |
RA (Rimward/Antispinward)     | Southwest  |
RS (Rimward/Spinward)         | Southeast  |

Each quadrant is then divided into a grid of zones, each of which is 250
by 250 subsector units. Some zones are known by the primary star system 
within its boundaries; most are labeled according to quadrant. Some     
zones are grouped into subsectors, which usually comprises territory    
controlled by one faction or another (such as the Scatterhome Subsector 
or the Y'saari Subsector).                                              

Sector coordinates also contain a number, such as cs-4138, which        
designates the location of the subsector independent of a particular    
quadrant. The first pair of numbers increases in value as one travels   
Spinward, and the second pair of numbers increases in value as one      
travels rimward. With our present knowledge of the Starmourn sector, the
division between quadrants occurs between coordinates 40 and 41 on both 
axes, such that subsector 4040 is in the CA quadrant, while subsector   
4141 is in the RS quadrant.