Game Help Files

8.12 The Fury Class

Those of the fury class embody the explosive nature of star kith itself, and is probably the hardest class to effectively play. Combining star kith use with rage-fueled acrobatics and flame-wreathed kithblades, though, means a fury really lives up to its name.

The three fury class skills are Battleflow, Rage, and Fulmination.

Starter Lessons and Important Abilities
   * Basic attack: Burn (Fulmination - 5 Lessons)
                   Assault (Battleflow - 15 Lessons)
   * Class healing ability: Suffuse (Fulmination - 5 Lessons)
   * Leaving combat: Escape (Skirmishing - 5 lessons)
   * Movement: Swimming (Exploration - 5 lessons)

For later on:
   * Class interrupting ability: Fever (Fulmination - 221 lessons)
   * Class interrupting ability #2: Stun (Rage - 133 lessons)

The primary weapon of the Fury is their kithblade, you will want to ensure that you upgrade it frequently as you level up to be the most effective combatant you can be. The better your weapon, the more damage you will do in your rage and fulmination attacks.

Protection from damage is stemmed by light armor. Keeping up-to-date with your armor and equipping the best you can will ensure that you stay alive.

Rage is the primary resource for the Fury class. Rage is gained from doing battleflow attacks, and spent on abilities in the Rage skill. If you conserve enough rage, you'll be able to transform into an unstoppable hulking berserker, with a variety of unlocked abilities.

Stats and Attributes
The two class stats for Fury are Strength and Psyche:
   * Strength will increase the damage and efficacy of your Battleflow and rage 
   * Psyche will confer bonuses to your fulmination damage.

PvP Strategies and Tips
Furies are a complex class, requiring a better understanding of combat than the others. Most notably, they cannot use most of their abilities on demand, but need to be in the correct stance, and each stance is highly reliant on momentum.

Fury strategies rely on building up muscular and internal damage, as well as bleeding stacks, and taking advantage of the ability modifiers - nearly every ability in their arsenal gains extra power based on the target's condition. Battleflow is the most important skill to train, along with some lessons in Rage. Early on, the Fury will want to focus on these modifiers to overwhelm the opponent with damage - as the stances and abilities all complement each other, it is not really possible to provide any easy-to-follow strategy.

Most of the attacks provide feedback on whether their bonus effect was triggered, allowing the Fury to keep track of the target's state.

Later on, the Heartrend instakill adds more pressure into the Fury's kit, but the basic strategy remains similar.