Game Help Files

8.14 The Nanoseer Class

With the assistance of powerful iriil tattoos, nanoseers are able to use void kith in a variety of ways, from controlling swarms of nanites to manipulating their surroundings, risking their own sanity to do so.

The three nanoseer class skills are Nanotech, Voidism, and Oblivion.

Starter Lessons and Important Abilities
   * Basic attack: Freeze (Voidism - 5 Lessons)
                   Swarm (Nanotech - 15 Lessons)
   * Class healing ability: Embrace (Voidism - 5 Lessons)
   * Leaving combat: Escape (Skirmishing - 5 lessons)
   * Movement: Swimming (Exploration - 5 lessons)

For later on:
   * Class interrupting ability: Eyestrike (Nanotech - 157 lessons)
   * Instakill condition check: Analyze (Nanotech - 560 lessons)

Nanoseers employ advanced technology to obtain the most of their talents. Improving your nano goggles will allow more finite control of your swarm, increasing the damage of your Nanotech abilities.

The highly-advanced nanoseer gauntlet will amplify the effects of your iriil tattoos, allow a more masterful command of void kith. Upgrading your gauntlet as you level up will increase the damage of your Voidism and Oblivion abilities.

Nanoseers are unique in the fact that they have two resource pools: Nanites, and Sanity. Your Nanite resource pool shows you the current size of your nanite swarm. As you allocate aspects of your swarm to do activities, or they're consumed, your resource pool will diminish. To build, or rebuild, your swarm, you will use the Charge ability in Nanotech, which will cause your nanites to self-replicate.

Sanity is a diminishing resource pool that indicates how close you are to losing your connection to the world. As you gaze deeper into the void, communing with the Empyreals, your sanity will begin to lapse. The more you draw on your channeled powers, the faster it is consumed. Should most of your sanity be consumed, you will begin to crack, so you would be wise to not plunge into the depths of insanity unless you must.

Stats and Attributes
The two class stats for Nanoseer are Techcraft and Psyche:
   * Techcraft will increase the damage and efficacy of Nanotech damaging 
   * Psyche will bolster the capabilities of your Voidism and Oblivion 

PvP Strategies and Tips
The main strategy of a nanoseer involves mental afflictions and damage - using the Nanotech attacks like Confound, Distract, and Sluggish, the Nanoseer can build up enough mental pressure and mental subsystem damage to execute the Mindmelt instakill. The Analyze ability in Nanotech is crucial to be able to track progress, especially as most of the abilities have pre-conditions.

Later on, the Nanoseer gains Wireblock and Delay (Nanotech), Rattle (Voidism), and Breakdown (Oblivion), which open up strategies involving wetwiring damage. It is important to note that there is no direct way to damage wetwiring, one needs to rely on feedback from other subsystems - mind and sensory damage both causes wetwiring damage. Finally, Voidism provides the Shatter ability, which capitalises on freezing and limb damage.