Game Help Files

9.5.5 Insurance

Purchasing insurance is essential for any space captain - unless, of course, you consider your ship disposable. Purchasing insurance will ensure that, in the event of an untimely explosion, your ship is quickly rebuilt for a fraction of the cost of a new vessel. It does not provide for the recovery of any uninstalled equipment or other cargo in your hold.

To insure your ship, head to a Stellar Insurance Corp counter - these are found on nearly all space stations in the Sector.

In the event that you install additional or more costly equipment on your ship AFTER you have already insured it, the cost difference will need to be paid before retrieving your rebuilt ship.

   INSURANCE STATUS <ship>       Check the insurance status of a ship.
   INSURANCE PURCHASE <ship>     Buy insurance for a ship.
   INSURANCE RELEASE <ship>      Pay off any owed insurance funds for a ship.

The SIC also offers a complementary towing service for any ships stuck in space. To use this service, simply visit a counter and INSURANCE TOWREQUEST <ship>.

Insurance does not cover aftermarket modifications installed by a modder (HELP SHIPMODDING).