Game Help Files

9.21 VI Spacemap

With when CONFIG SCREENREADER is on, the game normally hides the Spacemap from players. CONFIG SCREENREADERSPACEMAP ON, on the other hand, will show a version of the spacemap with all of the different types of space entities you can encounter disambiguated, for use with sound triggers.

Here is a legend for all the characters you will encounter:

Ships: @ is your ship, * are other ships, ! are ships you have targeted. The ship's bearing is indicated by a -, /, \, or | in one of the adjacent tiles.
Organics: &
Voidgates: V
Spacewalkers: P
Stations: S
Cargo: %
Mineable asteroids: m
Cosmpiercers: C
Mines: ~
Gasclouds: G
Pirate Refineries/Autofactories: R
Message Beacons: B
Interdiction Webs: W
Planets: T
Non-mineable asteroids: A
Satellites: M
Stars: U
Capital ships (Ironbeard): L
Sensor static: ? (There may be something in this tile, but it is obscured by sensor static caused by damage to your sensors)
Edge of space: #