Game Help Files

9.1 Space Travel

Traveling through space is easy! If you have a ship, simply board it (make sure you have insurance!) and head out into space. HELP SHIP COMMANDS will run you through the basics of space flight.

Landing on Planets
In general, you can't! If you want to land somewhere, find the closest station and dock at it. A transport shuttle will take you to the planet itself.

Space Stations
Stations are the gateways to planets and other terrestrial areas of the Sector. Typically they are in orbit around the main celestial body of a given system. Ships dock at space stations, and travellers then take a transport to the surface of the planet (or moon, or asteroid, etc.). See HELP STATIONS for more of what you can do at a space station.

Space Travel Without a Ship
If you are without a ship for whatever reason, you can still travel through space to most locations.

Some transport shuttle networks will not only take you to the surface of a planet, they also travel between stations in the same subsec or those that are located very near. Namely, the Scatterhome, Song, and Celestine territories. It is possible to quickly hop between all of these subsecs, as well as several other nearby destinations, such as Omni Station, Usum Usutti and the Diamond Belt.

To reach more distant areas of the Sector, spacers can make use of voidgates (for a Mark fee). On a ship, one can fly directly into the gate and then jump to the paired location. If travelling without a ship, simply take a transport to the voidgate's station and access the voidgate at the station. See HELP VOIDGATES for more.