Game Help Files

6.15 Shops

As you travel throughout the sector, you will encounter shops run by both denizens and players. These traditional storefronts offer a variety of wares that range from useful and functional to purely decorative. When you enter a shop, you will see at the bottom of the room description: "Merchant facilities indicate there are WARES for sale here."

   WARES                  View a list of items for sale.
   PROBE <item#>          Look at a specific item in the shop.
   BUY <item#/design #>   Make a purchase.

Also see HELP TRADE NETWORKS for how to shop at digital storefronts and purchase goods from other players via a virtual network.

To find the nearest shops and the closest trade terminal to you, you can use the DIRECTORY <all/nearby/[search term]> command.

Player Shops
You may set up your own shop in Starmourn using the trade terminal system (see HELP TT for info on how to do this)

Once you've got a trade terminal shop, you may also purchase a physical storefront. Currently the price for this is 2500 credits.

Whilst this is not an inconsiderable number of credits, it has been based on what is possible by utilizing the DAILYCREDITS system for a month at full pelt, or a couple (or longer) more casually. Obviously you can also buy credits or get them by all the usual means of acquiring them if you want to buy one sooner!

Cooler shops with different features will also be available in future auctions, so keep an eye out for those!

Purchasing Deeds:
You may buy the deeds to a shop at one of the following offices:
Fontain and Almasi Neutral Corporate Intermediary - Almasi Arena - 12503
Song Marketing and Retail Mediary Services - Song City - 11202
Scatterhome Commercial Advice Bureau - Haven City - 11564
The Celestine Ascendancy Retail and Marketing Association - Litharge - 11200
The Neutal Office for Business and Shopkeeping - Omni Station - 11239

You can own as many shops as you like, but obviously they will cost 2500 credits each.

There are titles available at 1, 5 and 10 shops owned.

Setting up shop:
Shops may be set up in specific rooms throughout the sector, which will show up as lilac on the map and will have a room message that tells you: "You can establish a shop here." These rooms will be near to the offices that serve them.

Once you have found a vacant room, drop your deed there and instructions will follow. The deed will transform into a licensing panel which will display in your shop as long as you own it.

If you want to move your shop, you'll need to ISSUE yourself to request this from an admin, but unless there's a very good reason, your shop stays where you have claimed.

If you'd like your shop to be somewhere else, that is, not in a designated player shop room. ISSUE ME with your request and we will try to accommodate your request wherever possible.

Building an extension:
In these offices you may also buy a shop extension module, which will enable you to add one room onto your shop.

**You may only add one room to each shop, for a shop maximum size of two rooms**

Once you have bought one, drop it in your shop and instructions will follow.

Some basic props are available in the trading offices. These can be further customized using the CUSTOMIZATION system, or placed as-is. You can PUSH and TURN the shop sign to set up a welcome message to those who enter.