Game Help Files

6.1 NPCs

NPCs (non-player-characters) are also referred to as mobiles (mobs for short) or denizens. They are the citizens and creatures of Starmourn that aren't generally being played by a person; rather, they are controlled by computer coding.

A denizen can be a worm, a mekmavaur, a human being, or a chatty bot. A denizen
may talk to you, ignore you, or attack you. It may even suggest that you do
things for it, and may pay you if you do (this is a QUEST). Generally, the way
you will get a denizen to talk to you is to GREET it.

You may, of course, greet the denizen, or simply attack it if you wish. Killing
denizens is a common way to gain experience, as well as junk that can be sold for Marks.