Game Help Files

6.4 Junk

As you make your way through Starmourn, you will inevitably find
yourself killing something, whether for a quest, in self-defence, or
just because it's there! When your opponent dies, they will drop, or
leave behind, some junk. What they will not drop is Marks, or gold, or
any other kind of currency. Why in Tecton's black hole would they?

So, now you have some junk. It might be useful, but probably it is not.
Thankfully, there are a number of recycling and reclamation facilities
throughout the Sector that will pay for most of your junk! Just find a
junk shop and get rid of it - most space stations have one.

  JUNK               See a list of junk-related commands.
  JUNK LIST          See a list of all the junk you're carrying, and
                     its value.
  SELL JUNK          Just as it sounds! All junk items are sold. This only works 
                     in a junk shop (AKA a pawnshop on LANDMARKS).
  JUNK SCRAP <item>  Scrap unwanted weapons, armor and mods in exchange for marks. 
                     JUNK SCRAP <WEAPONS/ARMOR/MODS> ALL will scrap all of that 
                     category in your inventory (be careful with this!).