Game Help Files

5.13 Flogger

Flogger is a service maintained by LUCENT used to post (a.k.a. Flog) small bits of text under 140 characters from a user-defined handle.

   TELL FLOGGER HANDLE <new handle> to change your Flogger handle.
   TELL FLOGGER POST <message> to post to Flogger.
   TELL FLOGGER READ/POSTS to read the latest posts on Flogger.
      - You can TELL FLOGGER STYLE <NEWESTFIRST/OLDESTFIRST> to change whether
      the newest posts are displayed first or whether the oldest posts do.
   TELL FLOGGER VERIFY will verify your account and give you a shiny new color
      for your handle name. This costs 50,000 marks.
   TELL FLOGGER COLOR <0-255/DEFAULT> to set the color of your posts. This costs 
      10,000 marks each time you use it. Use the COLORS to get a sense of the 
      available colors.
   TELL FLOGGER SUBSCRIBE to sign up for Flogger's livefeed, which sends all 
      posts directly to your Mindsim. The service costs 20,000 marks and can be 
      muted and unmuted with TELL FLOGGER MUTE/UNMUTE.