Game Help Files

5.11 Mindsim

A Mindsim is an artificial intelligence (AI) and a virtual assistant, who manages everything from your personal data (i.e. SCORE) and your QUEST LOG to your messages and data shards. Being implanted with a Mindsim is, like wetwiring, a standard aspect of life in the Starmourn sector.

To activate your Mindsim's interface, use the command:


You will see something like this:

-- MindSim Interface v16.4.29 ------------------------------------------------- Status Reports     | Communication      | Data Storage       | Wetwiring
(1) Score          | (2) Messages       | (4) Datashards     | (6) Status
                   | (3) News           | (5) Scan an INR    | (7) Config
Mindsim            |                    |                    | 
(8) Name           |                    |                    |
(9) Style          |                    |                    |
----------------------------------------------------------------- User: Oryx --

You can then type a number to access any of the options listed. Most of the options have an associated help file, though 8 and 9 are explained with a little more detail below.

Naming Your Mindsim
You can give your Mindsim a single-word name with a limit of 20 characters. Nobody will see your Mindsim's name except you.

   MINDSIM NAME <name>

Selecting a Style
Several pre-programmed styles have been developed to give your Mindsim the appearance of personality, which researchers have found to facilitate ease-of-use.

   MINDSIM STYLE <style>

The current options are:

   1. Default  This is the default style.

   2. Bitsy    Though Bitsy is slightly disrespectful at times, users will 
               find this mindsim to be a helpful personality and loyal 
               friend. From First Axiom Subsidiaries.

   3. Mim      MIM, the minimal interface mindsim, was created for the user 
               who prefers succinct, to the point communication from their 
               artificial assistant. Developed by the W'hoorn military before 
               being subsidized for civilian use.

   4. Mavis    Mavis was developed for the mindsim user who requires a high 
               degree of deference and respect from the artificial intelligence 
               installed in their brain. With a polite attitude and a robust 
               vocabulary, Mavis is the perfect companion for the refined, 
               intelligent space traveller.

   5. Zneer    A product of Aphador Cooperative, Zneer is marketed as a novelty 
               personality among mindsim users who like their virtual 
               assistants to be imbued with a bit more sarcasm and cruelty. Ok, 
               a lot more. Zneer is an asshole.

   6. Marvin   This mindsim personality attained a uniquely glum style all its 
               own after being exposed to a laboratory of perennially depressed 
               programmers stuck on a far-off asteroid owned by the developing 
               corporation of Darkside Logistics, a fledgling operation who 
               could only afford remote real estate. Soon after Marvin's 
               release, the company folded.