Game Help Files

5.9 Datashards

In Starmourn, physical books are not exactly extinct, but they are so outdated hardly anyone uses them anymore. The standard for reading material comes in the form of datashards: readable files of varying size that can be uploaded and accessed by your mindsim.

To see what datashards you have access to, select option 4 from your mindsim menu, or use the shortcut:


Additional commands:
DATASHARDS LIST            List accessible datashards (same as MS DATASHARDS).
DATASHARDS READ <#>        Read a datashard.
DATASHARDS STAR <#>        Star a datashard.
DATASHARDS DISCARD <#>     Remove a datashard from your storage.

Creating new datashards:
DATASHARDS NEW <title>                  
Creates a new datashard. This costs 5,000 marks and will put you straight into the editor to begin writing.

Go back into the editor to change the text of your datashard. This cannot be done once your datashard is published.

Change the title of your datashard. This cannot be done once your datashard is published.

Publish your datashard, finalizing it and preventing you from editing it further. Publishing allows the datashard to be downloaded onto physical storage, as well as shared with others for longer than five minutes. You can optionally specify to publish anonymously to not have your name attached to it as the author.

Downloads one of your published datashard to an unused physical datashard storage device. You can optionally set a timer which will determine how long people who access the datashard gain read-access to your datashard in their digital collection. It does not determine how long the physical datashard will last for.

DATASHARDS ENCRYPT <datashard item> FOR <person>
Encrypts a physical datashard storage device so that only the specified person can access its contents for reading or uploading into a repository.

DATASHARDS SHARE <#> WITH <person|org> [FOR <x> MINS] [message]
Datashards may be shared with another person or an organization, optionally for a limited amount of time. If your datashard is unpublished, sector regulations prevent you from sharing the datashard for longer than five minutes. When sharing the datashard to an organization, you can optionally supply a message to be broadcast over the organization's comms network. Sharing to an organization will only share it with members that are currently online - for more permanent organization access to a datashard, refer to repositories.

DATASHARDS REVOKE <#> <ALL|person|org>
Revokes share access to a datashard you own for everybody, the specified org, or the specified person.