Game Help Files

1.7 Gender in Starmourn

In Starmourn, the significance of what genitals an individual possesses, or which member of a species gives birth, is something that has dwindled into a primitive concern. Sentient tree people exist in highly advanced societies alongside winged lions and telepathic jellyfish. Amidst all this diversity, males, females, trees, and non-binary individuals have found entirely new reasons to discriminate against and find conflict with each other.  Furthermore, the existence of gene therapy, wetwiring, and cloning have largely erased or compensated for any biological disadvantages that might cause gendered discrimination and socialization to exist in the first place.

To put it simply, gendered social issues are no longer a Thing in Starmourn.  Bringing your OOC baggage regarding gender (for example, "girls are weak and boys are strong") into your Starmourn roleplay would be considered by most as, at best, bizarre, and at worst, mentally challenged or insane. Roleplay incorporating gendered insults ("You throw like a girl") is discouraged, because it simply does not make sense to societies as far-flung and diverse as the ones that exist in Starmourn.

OOC, players can play as a variety of genders in Starmourn. If you feel someone is engaging in roleplay or behavior that is heavy on issues that have no place in the game universe, please feel free to point them to this helpfile.