Game Help Files

13.1.2 Influence

Faction influence is a metric utilized by the Song Dominion and Scatterhome in situations where the entire population is involved in decision making.

Influence can be gained by assisting your faction in such ways as completing quests, defending against enemies, or gaining control over cosmpiercers.

   FACTION INFLUENCE          See details of your influence in the faction.

Influence can be spent, somewhat like currency, on various matters having to do with the governance of the faction. 

In the Song Dominion, influence is spent only when a leadership challenge has been issued, meaning someone is contesting for the position of Lord Commander. All members can choose to support or oppose the challenger, and can use as much or as little of their accumulated influence as they wish.

In Scatterhome, influence is spent on calls to action. These calls can be used for things like promoting someone into an administrative position, for honoring a member, or for ousting a member. The administrative positions are akin to aideships in other governments, and can be filled by multiple members; members can also hold multiple positions at the same time.