Game Help Files

12.9.2 The Kholod System

The Kholod System is located within the Ibyssisan Brotherhood territory in the RS Quadrant. It is the location of Otra IV, the Corran homeworld.

Port Lednik
Port Lednik is a small fishing town on Otra IV.

Sitik Slums
Located on the opposite side of the Zamoroz Sea from Port Lednik, this slum of houseboats is an area that has largely been abandoned by the Corran government, and many of the people there are criminals and malcontents.

The Prokvost
The Prokvost is an immense sailing ship that still traverses the icy waters of Otra IV, navigating around glaciers and plowing through ice sheets. It employs traditional sailors, carries cargo, and is considered an honor to serve on. It is the oldest known example of its type still in existence.