Game Help Files

11.2.12 The W'hoorn Race

The W'hoorn are a fiery and passionate race native to the planet Benu Wen. They are characterized by broad wings, leonine features, and a muscular physique. They have sharp claws on their hands and feet, long tails, and impressive manes of which they are very proud. The wings of the W'hoorn do not enable full flight, but they are able to glide brief distances with their aid.

The W'hoorn value honor and strength, and are a proud people, often argumentative and quick-tempered. They have a tendency toward claustrophobia, exacerbating these qualities when subjected to enclosed spaces for an extended period. Most W'hoorn dislike the Ry'nari, who are their historical enemies, but there is no longer a formal conflict between the two peoples.

See:'hoorn for more info!