Game Help Files

14.4.1 Adorabuddiez[R]

An Adorabuddy[R] is a small plush toy obtained from a HugTech Industries claw machine - if you're lucky and skilled enough to snag one! Adorabuddiez[R] come with unique traits all their own, and may be won with marks. They may be gifted to other players with the 'push' command.

Publically accessible HugTech Industries claw machines may be found at the following locations:

- In a boisterous room crowded with gambling tables. (Scatterhome - Haven City)
- A gambling hall orbiting the Verge's tower.  (Song - Song City)
- The churning, neon-lit interior of Malice. (Celestine - Litharge)
- The Golden Nova Casino (Scatterhome - Ishbi Canyon)
- Main floor of Haxley's Casino. (Krell - Biloxan)

A special HugTech Industries claw machine with a better chance of dispensing an Adorabuddy[r] can sometimes be won from our various monthly promos.