Game Help Files

13.1.4 Armadas

Armada ships can be commissioned and deployed by those with the appropriate power/permission to protect any space zone controlled by your faction. 

Only pilots over MIL 20 will be attacked in any situation.

Ship types and cost:
Currently only armada destroyers can be commissioned at a cost of 8500mk, but in
a group they can be very formidable.

Armada ships can be assigned to patrol any zone controlled by your faction, including cosmpiercers and their surrounding zones.

Alert Levels:
Each zone can be given an alert level of low or high.

Low alert means that any armada ship in the specified zone will defend the
zone, but only against faction enemies.

High alert means that the ships in the zone will attack anyone who is not a
faction member or faction ally.

Response Levels:
Similarly, a response level can be assigned to a zone by percentage.

100% means that all armada ships in the area will respond to a threat.


Armada ships are considered active when they have attacked someone. Until then
they lie dormant in the zone and will decloak as necessary.

At present armada ships do not repair themselves, so once their HP drops to zero they are destroyed and the faction will have to commission a new one.

Armada ships and zone status can only be commissioned, deployed and
assigned by those with the requisite faction power.