Game Help Files

3.12 Balance and Queueing

Most abilities use balance, meaning there is a slight delay in which you must recover your balance before you can use an ability again. For example, if you throw a punch, you will not be able to punch or kick or do anything else like that for a few seconds.

You do not have to do anything to recover balance, other than wait! When you see the message "You have recovered your balance," you are good to go.

Queueing is an optional internal system that you may configure that will automatically attempt to perform an ability as soon as you recover balance. Just enter a command while you are off-balance and, when you recover balance, that command will be run for you. You can use CQ or CLEARQUEUE to clear the queue before it fires.

Some abilities have their own balance separate from the physical one. For example, most healing abilities have a longer delay before you can use them again. These cannot be automated with the internal queueing system.