Game Help Files

91.2 Multiplaying And Character Sharing

Your character here is VERY important to us. We want you to have fun playing Starmourn! With certain restrictions, you may create and play more than one character.

Multiplaying, which is having more than one character logged into Starmourn at once, is strictly forbidden. When two characters connect from the same internet address at the same time, and if the registrations match or either is falsified, then that's multiplaying. Don't tell us you are brothers, roommates, or pals in an internet cafe - prove it by registering. Until then, you are violating this rule.

Seconds Abuse
No character of yours may ever help another character of yours in any way. No transferring of equipment or Marks, etc. The only exception is that if you purchase CREDITS with money, they can be transferred among your adventurers.

As a rule of thumb, you may never do something on one of your characters that further the IC or OOC interests of another of your characters, nor may you use the resources of another of your characters to further the interests of the one you are currently playing. Among these are: no voting in the same election with multiple characters to further a political agenda of your choice, no using of IC information obtained on one of your characters for the interests of another, no using one character's refineries/factories on another of your characters, etc.

Character Sharing
Sharing characters, or transferring or selling a character from one person to another is strictly prohibited. Do not give permission to anyone else to log on to your character, ever!

The punishments for multiplaying, seconds abuse, or character sharing can be quite severe, often involving permanent loss of one or more of the characters involved.