Game Help Files

8.5.11 Design Trends

Trends in design are constantly shifting in the Starmourn Sector! Every 2 RL weeks, on Mondays at 0:00 server time, each tradeskill will receive new Trends, which is a combination of a design pattern for the tradeskill, and an in-lore material.

To view the current active trends, use DESIGN TREND LIST. To show more information about the trend for a skill, use DESIGN TREND SHOW <skill>.

To make your design trend, make a design of the requested pattern, include a 'keyword' at least once in the Appearance or Examined design fields for the requested lore material/ingredient, and submit it for approval. Once submitted, its trending status is locked in, even if it takes admin awhile to approve the design and new trends are active.

To view more information about the requested material/ingredient to include in the trending design pattern, see CRAFTPEDIA LIST and CRAFTPEDIA SHOW <material>! Craftpedia includes a short lore writeup about the material, but you may also be able to find more information on the Wiki at

Once approved, the design will be considered a Trending design for 120 days.

Trending items, when stocked in your shop, provide bonus attractiveness for shop Denizen Sales (see HELP DENIZEN SALES).