Game Help Files

1.5 Glossary

Galactic Standard         "Galstan" is the common language spoken in the 
                          Starmourn Sector
Standard Measurements

kilometer                 standard unit of distance
parsec                    about 3.26 lightyears or approximately 30.9 trillion km
Microparsec               1/1,000,000th of a parsec (3.085*10^7)
Milliparsec               1/1000th of a parsec (3.086*10^10 km)
Kiloparsec                1000 parsecs (3.086*10^16 km)
Megaparsec                1 million parsec (3.086*10^19 km)
Gigaparsec                1 billion (3.086*10^22 km)
su (Starmourn Unit)       one square/rectangle of space on the graphical space 
                          map (The area your spaceship visually occupies is a 
                          good reference.)

gram (kilogram, etc.)     standard unit of mass
liter (milliliter, etc.)  standard unit of volume
celsius                   standard unit of temperature, based on water

Kear                      standard unit of power storage capacity 
Halon                     standard unit of power output

Spacer                    Your primary profession, or you as a player. May also
                          be referred to as "adventurer" in some places. 
Non-spacer                Non-player Character, mobs, or NPCs