Game Help Files

1.9 Legacy Mode

As of July 2023, IRE has officially placed Starmourn into Legacy Mode. 

Legacy Mode effectively means we will be fully volunteer-run with a focus on content rather than profit. Unlike other IRE titles, Starmourn is entirely free-to-play, with absolutely no option for pay-to-win or even pay-for-perks.

For anyone coming to us from one of our IRE sibling MUDs, please note that Starmourn does not fall within the Elite Membership, meaning that retirement credits and other membership perks will not be available here. Instead, we offer a terrific daily credits program, encouraging active participation in game systems and rewarding long-time active players with cap-raising streaks!

The dev team is still hard at work making new content, solving bugs, and interacting with players daily - We're just all volunteers now. We look forward to working with you as you explore the vast Starmourn sector!