Game Help Files

3.10 Marriage

Marriage in Starmourn is very versatile. Here are the basics!

   MARRIAGE WED <name>     Ask someone to marry you (person needs to AGREE).
   MARRIAGE STATUS         Display your marriage status and spouse(s).
   MARRIAGE INVITE <name>  Ask another person to join your existing marriage.
   MARRIAGE DISSOLVE       End your marriage.

   1. You must be in a place designated for marriage.
   2. A wedding officiant must be present.
   3. You must be in the same room as the people you wish to wed.
   4. Each party is charged 25,000 Marks to enter a marriage.

Plural Marriage
You can wed up to three others at the same time by using:
   MARRIAGE WED <name> [AND name] [AND name]                               

You can ask up to two others to join your marriage (total of 4 members):
   MARRIAGE INVITE <person> [and person]

All parties will need to AGREE, and it will cost each 25,000 Marks to join.

Using the MARRIAGE DISSOLVE command while in a plural marriage will remove you from the marriage, and the remaining people will stay married.