Game Help Files

8.99 Classleads

What is a classlead report:
An avenue to suggest a change or addition to a skill or ability in the game.

What is NOT a classlead report:
It is not an avenue to submit a bug. If you want to file a bug, use the BUG command. The team will generally try to fix any ability-related bugs while working on classlead changes.

Who can submit classlead reports:
Any player who meets the following criteria:
- Has played more than 10 hours.
- Is relatively active in the realms.
- Has more than the equivalent of one transcendent skill spent in lessons.

How do I submit a classlead report:
When submissions are open you may CLASSLEAD NEW <skill> <ability> to create a new report. This will inform you if it has been successful, and give you a report# to use for further modification. If you are not submitting a problem with an existing skill, please use "NEW" as the ability name.

From here, you will need to fill in the details of the report, using the report# you were given:

 - Use this to describe the problem with the ability. The more concise you can be, the higher the chances of the report being acted upon.

- CLASSLEAD <#> SOLUTION <1-3> <text>
 - List up to 3 solutions to the problem, again, be as concise as possible. You do not need to flesh out every detail, we will contact you further in the event your report is actioned if we need more details.

 - Submits your classlead report. Once this is done, it becomes locked for editing, and becomes accessible to any player to look over.

-- Note: You may only have ten (10) classlead reports at any time, per cycle. If you do not SUBMIT your classleads, they will not be considered as a part of the current cycle.

More handy commands:
 - Show a refined list of classlead reports.

 - List classleads you have or have not commented on.

 - Show a classlead report in full.

- CLASSLEAD <#> SKILL <skill>
- CLASSLEAD <#> ABILITY <ability>
 - Reassign an existing report's skill and ability.

 - Delete one of your own reports.

What happens next?:
Classleads run in cycles: There will be a period of open submission, followed by a review period where no new classleads can be submitted. During this time of review, players can CLASSLEAD <#> COMMENT <text> to leave feedback on a report.

After this review period, the Admin team will review the submitted reports and implement those which are accepted.