Game Help Files

6.16.1 Denizen Sales

Every so often, a Starmourn denizen will go shopping for something to buy from a player shop. All player shops stocked with autocrafter designs, whether physical or terminal, have a chance to attract the NPC towards their shop. This file details everything you need to know about the process, and how to maximize your shop's attractiveness and earn the most marks as possible!

A shop's attractiveness is measured based on what designs are in store. The NPC will examine the top 10 most attractive designs in a store, with designs receiving a bonus if they are trending (see HELP TRENDS) up to 5 times. Having more than 5 trending items in a shop is thus not required, nor is having more than 10 designs generally, to achieve maximum attractiveness. That said, designs become slightly less attractive the more times they are purchased. They never become totally unattractive, but it does help to rotate in fresh designs.

Sales at physical shops generate more marks per sale and allow for more marks generation to occur for a player in a given real life day.

If a shop is linked to a physical shop (see HELP SHOPS), it gains a boost to its attractiveness overall, with additional boosts if the shop has an assistant, an extension, or a second assistant in the extension. Auction shops have the maximum boost achievable this way by default. Each of these boosts also comes with an increase in the marks per sale and the total cap of marks generation.

Note that the price at which you list an item has no bearing on an item's attractiveness, nor will the price be respected when a NPC purchases. Instead, the game will choose a suitable amount of marks to generate for you based on marks boosts from it being a physical shop, and the number of marks you've earned today.