Game Help Files

5.17 Projects

The PROJECT system exists to create a free-form Project Management space for individuals and organizations (factions, clans, and dynasties).

Viewing Projects

PROJECT LIST [org] [ALL]                View projects available to you.
PROJECT <#> [SHOW]                      View a project.
PROJECT <#> COMMENT <msg>               Comment on a project.
PROJECT <#> COMMENTS                    View all comments on a project.

PROJECT LIST by itself will show all projects visible to you sorted by organization, sub-header, and priority, while PROJECT <#> [SHOW] provides a detailed overview of the Project.

Projects can be Open, Completed, or Archived (see Project Management for syntax below). By default, PROJECT LIST will only list Open projects. To view all projects including Completed and Archived ones, use PROJECT LIST ALL or PROJECT LIST <org> ALL.

PROJECT <#> COMMENT will add a comment onto the project, allowing discussion on the project to occur. Additionally, you are able to ping other players attached to the project in your comments. For instance:

PROJECT 42 COMMENT @Neritus Please fix

This will send a message to Neritus (please don't) indicating that they've been pinged. You can ping multiple people in a comment, and only if the project is visible to them. Make sure there are no trailing punctuation marks in the ping for it to work correctly.

PROJECT <#> SHOW will only show the 4 most recent comments. To view the full comment history of them, use PROJECT <#> COMMENTS.

Project Management

Anyone in an organization with the "View org projects" (projectview) power can see and comment on org projects. To designate projects to an organization and manage org projects, you'll need the "Manage org projects" (projectmanage) power.

You can also create Personal Projects and assign people to them, without designating it to an organization, to make projects that have no particular organizational affiliation.

Project management syntax includes:

PROJECT NEW                             Make a new project.
PROJECT <#> DELETE                      Delete a project you manage.
PROJECT <#> TITLE <title>               Change the title of the project.
PROJECT <#> HEADER <header>             Classify the project with a header to group projects.
PROJECT <#> DESC                        Write a detailed description of the project.
PROJECT <#> COMPLETE                    Mark a project as complete.
PROJECT <#> ARCHIVE                     Archive a project.
PROJECT <#> REOPEN                      Reopen an archived or completed project.
PROJECT <#> ASSIGN <person>             Assign a person to the project.
PROJECT <#> UNASSIGN <person>           Remove a person from the project.
PROJECT <#> PRIORITY <1-10>             Prioritize a project from 1-10, 10 being highest priority.
PROJECT <#> DESIGNATE <org>             Designate a project to an organization.

Note that changing the project's Header will categorize the project with other projects with the same header in PROJECT LIST.

You can also create numbered task entries for your project if you wish to have finer control over the sub-elements of your project:

PROJECT <#> TASK NEW [blurb]            Create a new task within a project.
PROJECT <#> TASK <#> DELETE             Delete a task.
PROJECT <#> TASK <#> BLURB <blurb>      Rewrite the blurb of a task.
PROJECT <#> TASK <#> STATUS <status>    Write a status for the task.
PROJECT <#> TASK <#> ASSIGN <person>    Assign a person to the task.
PROJECT <#> TASK <#> UNASSIGN <person>  Unassign a person from the task.

Someone does not need to be assigned to the project itself to be assigned to a specific task. If you assign someone to a task and delete the task, they will no longer be assigned to the project at large and, if they do not otherwise have permission to view the project, will no longer be able to see the project. If you assign someone to the project and a task, they will remain assigned to the project at large. So long as you are assigned anywhere in a task, you can view it.