Game Help Files

3.8 Rejuvenation

Here in Starmourn, the natural aging process - unpredictable, uncontrollable, and unavoidable - is a thing of the past!

For a modest fee, the secret of youth can be yours! All you need to do is visit a clinic that offers this service, have the required Marks in your account, and...


Well-known establishments include: 

Description                     Location
-----------                     --------
A glamorous day spa             Litharge (The Celestine Ascendancy) 
Finesse                         Song City (The Song Dominion)
Make You Shine                  Haven City (Scatterhome)
Spectrum Organic Renovations    Omni Station

There, a technician will inject you with a rejuvenation serum that will trigger your wetwiring to restore your skin, scales, fur, etc. to a prior level of youthfulness.

How many years does it slough off your visage? Approximately 5% of the average lifespan of your race. So for humans, whose average lifespan is 100 years, it will remove about 5 years from your appearance. As a result, it may take multiple treatments to go backward from, say, "elderly" to "mature."

Once you have received a rejuvenation treatment, its age-reducing effects are permanent but you will still continue to age. Therefore, maintaining a static appearance will be an ongoing effort.