Game Help Files

10.6.1 Asteroid Exploration

The Sector is full of material-rich asteroids ready for extraction. To locate these asteroids, you can consult STATION ASTEROID LIST when on a station to browse public surveys of them.

You will likely not be the first one to arrive on the scene. High concentrations of materials tend to attract all sorts of aggressive mining drones and hostile patrol craft, so don't neglect to bring some guns along with your scoops and tethers. The bigger the rock, the tougher the opposition.

Once you've addressed any nuisances, it's time to get spacewalking. Hopefully you aren't already. To do so voluntarily, you'll need the SHIP EVA skill. Spacewalk over to the asteroid and SPACEWALK LAND to approach the surface of the asteroid. If you're familiar with Wildernesses (HELP PLANETARY EXPLORATION), things will look familiar. You'll have to work your way around the asteroid and PLACE CHARGEs on weak points in the asteroid's surface. The bigger the asteroid, the larger the area, the more weak points you'll have to deal with.

Oh, and watch out for any locals. Asteroids are surprisingly bustling with lifeforms. Robots, too! Also, take care of yourself and watch your life-support power. Maybe set CONFIG SPACEWALKALERT, or add a spacewalk power prompt token (HELP PROMPT) so you don't get caught out.

Once you finish placing the charges, you'll want to FLY. Once you're at a high elevation, FLY again, and you'll find yourself drifting back in space in short order. Hopefully the explosion hasn't happened yet. SPACEWALK BOARD your ship, pour yourself a karafee, and watch the fireworks. You've earned a good show, and, hopefully, a good payday.