Game Help Files

9.6 Ship Combat

When combat mode is activated, your ship will automatically divert power to its defense system, and your speed will be decreased.  This will make maneuvering, docking at a station, and any other tasks that require ship speed and agility more difficult and slow, so keep that in mind!

To attack stuff on your spacecraft, you need weapons and ammo.

There are many kinds of weapon modules you can install on your ship, and types of ammo you can load into them. See HELP SHIP WEAPONS for more information.

If you still have your ship from the tutorial, it is equipped with a cannon and some kinetic batteries.

   SHIP WEAPON LIST                See what weapon(s) you have installed.
   SHIP SUPPLIES                   See what ship supplies you have on board.

Once you are out in space and near something you want to attack:

   SHIP BEACON                     See what is around you.
   SHIP TARGET <#|captain|ship>    Set your target on a ship or space mob.
   SHIP WEAPON AUTOFIRE <weapon>   Start or stop a weapon autofiring.

Do note, however, that before you can fire your weapons, they need to be activated:

   SHIP WEAPON ACTIVATE <id/ALL>           Activate a weapon, or all weapons.
   SHIP WEAPON DEACTIVATE <id/ALL>         Deactivate a weapon, or all weapons.

To load up on weapons or ammo, enter the shipforge:

   SF MODULES                      See available modules for purchase.
   SF SUPPLIES                     See available ammo for purchase.

To set up your new weapon:

   SHIP MODULES                    View your modules.
   SHIP MODULE ACTIVATE <#>        Activate your newly installed weapon.
   SHIP MODULE DEACTIVATE <#>      Deactivate it.

If you get blown up, or choose to SHIP EVA:

   SPACEWALK SCAN                  See what is around you.
   SPACEWALK <dir>                 Move toward a station.
   SPACEWALK BOARD                 Board a ship or station.
   SPACEWALK SHUTDOWN              End your life so you can be restored at a 
                                   cloning facility.
   SPACEWALK LAND                  Land on certain asteroids of note.

To recover your ship, assuming it was insured, go to the designated station (wherever you purchased insurance) and:

   INSURANCE RELEASE <ship>        Get your ship back!