Game Help Files

3.14 Prompt

Your prompt displays important information about your person and/or your ship, and can be very useful for viewing immediate information as you play, as well as in scripting!

    CONFIG PROMPT              Shows general prompt commands.
    CONFIG PROMPT NORMAL       Set up your normal prompt.
    CONFIG PROMPT SHIP         Set up the prompt shown when on a ship.
    CONFIG PROMPT HACKING      Set up the prompt shown whilst in a hacking grid.

    CONFIG PROMPT SHOW <type>  Review your current specified prompt.
    CONFIG PROMPT <type> OFF   Restores the prompt to default.
    CONFIG PROMPT <type> HIDE  Hides the specified prompt completely.
    CONFIG PROMPT NORMAL -     Reduces your prompt to a single hyphen.

Prompt Tokens

You can customize your prompt to display almost any kind of information you want. 

The following tokens are available to use in your custom normal prompt:

@health, @%health, @maxhealth, @balance, @resource1, @resource2, @muscular, @internal, @sensory, @mind, @wetwiring, @level, @%xp, @combat, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @rltime, @celbody, @wwbalance, @vote, @elevation, @%talent, @talent, @captainlevel, @%captainlevel, @cover, @static, @spacewalk @%hackinglevel, ^d, ^r, ^g, ^y, ^b, ^m, ^c, ^w, ^D, ^R, ^G, ^Y, ^B, ^M, ^C, ^W, and ^x

In addition to all the tokens listed in normal, you can also use the following ship-specific tokens:

@day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @rltime, @celbody, @shipspeed, @shiphull, @maxshiphull, @%shiphull, @shipshield, @maxshipshield, @%shipshield, @shipcapacitor, @maxshipcapacitor, @%shipcapacitor, @shiploc, @shipmaxspeed, @vote, @elevation, @shipheading, @%talent, @talent, @captainlevel, @%captainlevel, @cover, @%hackinglevel, @shipcombat, ^d, ^r, ^g, ^y, ^b, ^m, ^c, ^w, ^D, ^R, ^G, ^Y, ^B, ^M, ^C, ^W, and ^x

In addition to all the tokens listed in normal, you can also use the following hacking-specific tokens:

The following tokens are available: @health, @%health, @maxhealth, @balance, @combat, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @rltime, @password, @vote, @elevation, @%talent, @talent, @captainlevel, @%captainlevel, @cover, @%hackinglevel, ^d, ^r, ^g, ^y, ^b, ^m, ^c, ^w, ^D, ^R, ^G, ^Y, ^B, ^M, ^C, ^W, and ^x

How to build a custom prompt:

You will notice two types of information you can choose to be displayed in your prompt:

  @<variable> These will automatically display one your character's vitals. For 
              example @health will be converted to your current health. @balance 
              will display B if you have balance or - if you are off balance.

  ^<color>    These are colors. Anything that comes after a ^<color> mark will 
              be colored to that specific color. For example ^r is red, ^R is 
              bright red. ^m is magenta, ^d is black, ^D is gray, ^x is default. 
              For a quick overview of which color is which, do CONFIG COLOR. At 
              the end of the page there will be a color reference. These are in 
              the same order as those present in the prompt options.

You may also include any freeform text you want. For example, let's have our prompt do what the basic prompt does: Display our health, class resource, balance, wetwiring balance and combat state:

CONFIG PROMPT NORMAL Health: ^G@health^x/^G@maxhealth ^xPlasma: ^R@resource1 ^x[@balance@wwbalance@combat]

PLEASE NOTE: You cannot currently use the separator (|) used in the default prompt in your custom prompts.

You can also use ^n if you would like a newline in your prompt.

Example prompts:
These are just examples, but show how a custom prompt might be written. Feel free to try them out and edit to your heart's content!

config prompt normal [^xDate:^W@day^x/^W@month^x/^W@year^x Time:^W@hour^x:^W@minute ^xRL Time:^W@rltime ^x^xCombat:^R@combat ^xHealth:^g@%health^g% ^xCaptLevel:^M@captainlevel.@%captainlevel ^x ^xHackLevel:^M@%hackinglevel ^xLevel:^M@level.@%xp^x]

config prompt ship [Speed:^W@shipspeed/@shipmaxspeed ^xHull:^W@%shiphull% ^xShield:^W@%shipshield% ^xCap:^W@%shipcapacitor% ^xLocation:^W@shiploc  ^xCaptLevel:^M@captainlevel.@%captainlevel ^xHackLevel:^M@%hackinglevel ^xLevel:^M@level.@%xp^x]

config prompt hacking [Health: ^W@health/@maxhealth  ^xPassword: ^W@password  ^xDate: ^W@day/@month/@year ^xTime: ^W@hour^x:^W@minute  ^xRL Time:^W@rltime  ^xLevel: ^M@%hackinglevel  ^xLevel:^M@level.@%xp^x]

For those who want to remove their prompt entirely, and can go into the Nexus settings, there is an option called "Do not show any prompt lines at all" under the Output heading.