Game Help Files

91.8 Automation, triggers, and scripts

Triggers and automation are allowed in most cases as long as they are not used for gaining marks or experience, or avoiding your timeout, whether you are AFK or not. Discussing triggers is another matter worthy of attention.

Triggers and Roleplay
Triggers, although obviously a real element for players, are not a real element for ADVENTURERS in Starmourn. Sure, you may have to find ways to talk about them, and it is possible, if done discreetly. Keep such talk private whenever possible, rather than on public channels. If you must use public channels, refer to the general idea of reflexes and then please move quickly to private discussion. Then you will help us maintain an IC (in character: see HELP IC) atmosphere.

What is not allowed?
Automated bashing, automated questing, automated market orders (and auto pretty much everything else). This is any activity:
  1) that you automate via triggers, and
  2) that you use to gain marks, experience, or any other in-game advantage.

Basically, if you can walk away from your computer and your character will go on without you, there's a problem.

Auto anything is a very serious violation of our rules punishable by permanent deletion of your character.

Just don't do it! Auto bash, auto quest, auto ANYTHING and you can kiss your character goodbye forever.