New Hunting Grounds – Explore the Lha Ti Homeworld of Ghenla!

A big thank-you to Picram and Shunvaz for inspiring our recommended playtime event, and to everyone who participated in this lore exploration! Recap: After conducting a very newbie-friendly overview of Starmourn’s modern history, Picram and guests were given an open invitation to meet with a Lha Ti named Ambassador Mhoyul to learn about the mysterious…


Recommended Play Time – Open Training Session on History and Lore

New and Veteran players alike – Join us Saturday at Sync-1 for an open training session with the Lord Commander of the Song Dominion and a guest star from the admin team! We’ll be covering topics including, but not limited to, historic lore and sector-wide politics! Bring your questions and puzzling inspirations to strike up…


Legacy Mode & Beyond

Learn about what Legacy Mode really means for the world of Starmourn, reminisce on what we’ve accomplished so far, and get a sneak peak at what’s on the docket for the future.

We’re still here, folks. Come on in- the Sector’s fine. <3


Year In Review: 2022

Welcome to the Year in Review for Starmourn 2022! Here you’ll find a summary of new systems, major events, and noteworthy player RP that’s taken place over the past 12 months in addition to tons of bug smashing, rebalancing, skill updates, and more!


Space Trucking Preview

Hi all! Neritus here. I’ve been hard at work coding Space Trucking and its surrounding systems, supported by the rest of the team for ideas, lore input, and mechanics. The project has been quite satisfying to my geekdom, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect and provide a preview of the upcoming feature release, coming mostly likely sometime in March. There will be quite a few new activities to do in Space, so it’s also a good opportunity to prepare players for what’s coming and garner input before it lands.


The Journey Forward

With the release of Ship Modding, I wanted to take a moment for some reflection. When I came on as producer I stated three main goals: a full and detailed pass on all the classes, a rework of weapon and armor modding, and finally ship modding. I did not necessarily expect this to take six…


Starmourn 2021 Year in Review: Celebrating our Best Year Ever!

Hello Spacers! The time has come for our end of year roundup, and I hope you’ll all agree that it has been an AMAZING year for Starmourn. We saw the introduction of player housing, real world player shops, Hardcore mode (permadeath), daily streaks, battlebots, a ship arena, several major new areas, a new tradeskill, a…


Hab yourself a merry little Winterflame! (Christmas, in space!)

December in Starmourn is all about Winterflame and our brand new HABITATIONS system, where you can buy your very own space home. I hope you’ve all got your winter bobble hats ready and your elasticated space jeans on, because this December is a complete treat glutton, you lucky things, you. Winterflame is here again… For…


Battlespace, Battlebots, and more!

Wow, it’s June already! Time really got away from us over the past few months as the team has buckled down on a lot of really big projects we’ve all wanted to tackle for awhile. All the changes that have happened since March are available in game on our Announcements newsboard, but to keep the…


Pirate Refineries and Autofactories

In the depths of space, unauthorized refineries and autofactories have been sighted, all of them belonging to rogue organizations or independent space pirates. Courageous space adventurers can now engage with these pirate installations and lay waste to their manufacturing and harvesting efforts and be generously rewarded for their efforts. Attacking one of these locations will…


May Marvels!

May brought a ton of new things in Starmourn and you are missing out if you are not logging in to check them out! Ship Customization: a brand new feature that brings your ship off the Overhead Map and into the space station, where it can be looked at by yourself and, more importantly, by…