Game Help Files

9.24 Smuggling

Do you have a penchant for sneaking suspicious goods under the noses of the authorities? Do you laugh in the face of danger? Perhaps the life of a Smuggler is the life for you! Smuggling contracts are a subset of the cargo contract system (see HELP CARGOCONTRACTS). When you take a smuggling contract, you take on the risk of smuggling contraband from nefarious origins into factional territory.

Smuggling contracts are more dangerous, but also more rewarding, than normal cargo contracts. Firstly, taking on a smuggling contract requires you to pay a hefty collateral up front which is only returned to you if the cargo is successfully delivered. If the cargo is lost along the way, the collateral is forfeit. The chance of being attacked by pirates is increased, because the contract is probably just an attempt to extort you of collateral.

Additionally, upon arrival in the Subsector of a faction of which you are not a member, your cargohold will be scanned. If the scan is successful, you will be attacked by NPC Wardens and you will be declared as Open PK on the Conflict channel. You will be Open PK until you dock or are destroyed, and the end of your Open PK window will also be broadcast on Conflict. You can increase your ship's resistance to cargoscans by fitting more Cargo Scramblers to your ship.

Other players who have fit their ships with a Cargoscanner can also attempt to scan your cargo. If it is successful, the same broadcast will occur.

If a ship is destroyed while smuggling, either a player ship or an NPC ship, it will drop Contraband Commodities (see HELP CONTRABAND). Carrying loose contraband commodities also leaves you vulnerable to cargoscans, NPC and player.

You cannot take a smuggling contract destined to your own faction.

Upon completing a smuggling contract, you will be rewarded marks, some Captaincy experience, and Hauler Points (used to track RANKINGS HAULERS). The collateral you paid will also be returned.