Game Help Files

16.2 Performance and Concerts

Performance refers to a musical activity that anyone can engage with. There is a budding musician in everyone, or so we like to believe and, with PERFORMANCE, you too can be the next nanorock star or synthpop icon!

To get started with PERFORMANCE, you'll need to choose an instrument. 
Choose between GUITAR, KITHDRUMS, VOIDPIPES, SYNTHBOARDS, EUKULELES and VOICE, by using the command PERFORMANCE INSTRUMENT <instrument>. Take care, that you may only do so once. The choice is purely cosmetic and does not influence the mechanics in any way. It does, however, change the emotes you will have while you PERFORM.

After you have an instrument of choice, seek out venues where you can perform in the world and PERFORMANCE PERFORM. Focus only on your songs and do nothing else until the performance is over, or you will lose focus. 
Currently there are venues at: 
- Lamentations on Omni
- Gravity in Haven City
- Malice in Litharge 
- the Verge in Song City. 
- Tox Populi in New Dikamazi

As you perform, you will get better at it and increase in level, increasing the amount of gratuity marks you make from a performance and unlocking other options. If you simply enter the command PERFORMANCE, you will get a quick overview of the syntax:

PERFORMANCE STATUS                 Information about your musical career and band.
PERFORMANCE INSTRUMENT <name>      Choose an instrument that you will play on.
PERFORMANCE PERFORM                Start a performance at a venue.
PERFORMANCE BAND                   Manage your band. Enter command for relevant syntax.

Once you reach level 3 in performance (which you can always check via PERFORMANCE STATUS), you may form a BAND! This will cost you 25,000 marks. Use the PERFORMANCE BAND command to see the relevant syntax.

PERFORMANCE BAND CREATE                 Start a new band.
PERFORMANCE BAND QUIT                   Quit your band.
PERFORMANCE BAND INVITE <person>        Invite someone to join your band.
PERFORMANCE BAND GIG GET <days>         While at a venue, get a gig for your band in X days.
PERFORMANCE BAND GIG PERFORM [color] [emote] Start the gig when it's time or perform during the gig.
PERFORMANCE BAND REHEARSE [color] [emote] While in a a rehearsal room, try out your emotes.

You can invite up to 4 people to join your band and you can then start getting GIGs. GIGs are awesome opportunities to make yourself and your band known to the masses! Schedule concerts, entertain the audience during the concert and grow your band's popularity (and income). But be warned, miss out on your scheduled concerts and the fans won't be happy at all.

When you schedule a gig, always try to schedule for a day (RL hour) when you know that you and your band members will be online and can hold the concert. You need all your band members at the venue in order to start a concert. To start the concert, do PERFORMANCE BAND GIG PERFORM. After the concert has formally started, using the same command but with a color and emote (PERFORMANCE BAND GIG PERFORM [color] [emote]) will display emotes for all in the room to see, allowing you to roleplay your performance. 

Once you are happy with your show, you should PERFORMANCE BAND GIG CONCLUDE in order to wrap it up. You MUST conclude a concert before the day is up or it will be considered a failure.
Concluding the concert will earn your band popularity (a small base that increases the more players witnessed your show) and a percentage of ticket sales. Tickets are sold automatically to NPCs every in-game day. You do not control the sale price and the amount, but know that both of these increase as your band gains popularity. 

You can only have a concert every 20 hours. You will see your remaining cooldown with PERFORMANCE STATUS. 

Once your band reaches 35 or more popularity, you will not gain popularity if less than two people (outside band members) attend your concert and you will gain a lot less money from concerts. 

You will also find music shops in the world where you can purchase instruments, if you want to spice up your roleplay. You will also find rehearsal rooms in these shops, where you might PERFORMANCE BAND REHEARSE [color] [emote] in order to check out what your emotes would look like ahead of time.


You can use the CONCERTS command to see all upcoming concerts in the sector and you can use the CONCERTS <ID> command to learn more about a specific concert. Everyone will be notified when a concert is about to take place (and where) as soon as the concert day comes around.