Game Help Files

14.10 Spacer's Emporium

The Spacer's Emporium!

Open for business at all trade terminal (HELP TRADE TERMINAL) network hubs in faction space Reynolds, Danica, Crossings stations and Omni Station. the Spacer's Emporium offers a catalogue of items that enhance or ease various problems the Spacer-on-the-Go has in their day-to-day lives.

Some of the items are rather esoteric in function, and shall now be explained so as to not cause any dreaded Buyer's Remorse!

Reality Bending Utilities

A suspended decay facilitator
PUSHing this item at any object you own will release a fine vapor that repels the forces of entropic decay! In layman's terms: it makes your treasured item "non-decay"! Smells like corifrut!
(Note: Do not spray in eyes. Do not inhale. Does not work on sentient life. Immortality not assured.)

A mildly interesting thing
Scientists are still trying to figure this 'thing' out, as it seems to have anti-memetic properties when directly observed and easily forgotten when one looks away. Until acted upon in some way and turned into something it shall retain this property.
(Item can be redeemed via CUSTOMIZATION REQUEST NEW JUNK, allowing you to create your own junk item to find in the wild!)

 A stamp of authenticity
A favorite of designers all over the Sector, this stamp allows creators to indelibly mark their own products and make it one of a kind. Doing so infuses it with a regenerative nanite weave that prevents it from ever fading or decaying entirely, but also forcibly archives the design template the object was crafted from, forever.

A metaphysical tether
Using a metaphysical tether anchors an item to a room or similar area and causes the item to reappear there if it ever leaves your possession or that location. Useful if you tend to misplace your possessions!

On offer are a number of devices that interact with your ship, assisting with renaming, restructuring or re-inventing your sleek vessel!

A transponder registration chip
Allows you to change the name of your ship, but only the long name on the side. The short name in the system cannot be changed and this change is registered with SIC, meaning you cannot dodge the law by switching your ship identity! Marvelous!
SHIP RENAME <new name> while on your ship, and holding the chip. Single use only. Use for piracy not supported by Spacer's Emporium.

An experimental matter reorganizer
SpaceCase Interiors, an interior design firm, announces the release of their experimental matter reorganizer. The reorganizer makes onboard ship renovations a breeze, working within the physical bounds of your vessel's hull to craft the environment of your dreams. (The experimental matter reorganizer does not work on living tissue. SpaceCase Interiors and Spacer's Emporium takes no responsibility for any attempts to reorganize sentient flesh.)

You will automatically use this whenever you try SHIP REFIT REDESCRIBE ROOM and it will make your
redescribing free.
Note: 4 charges.

A destroyer's broadcaster

This item can  be installed on your ship to transmit an altered signal proclaiming your deeds throughout the sector whenever you successfully destroy another ship. To use it, simply hold the  item, and use the SHIP DESIGN DEATHSIGHT option when standing in a ship docked at a chopshop.

The Spacer's Emporium also sells a variety of augmentation chips; single-use disposable circuits that integrate themselves to your nanite base layer and enhance specific traits and measurable statistics.
They all last approximately three hours before the circuits in the chips literally burn themselves out and are subsequently ejected from your nanite layer.
NOTE: This countdown is active whether or not you are in or out of cryosleep, so be sure to SOCKET the CHIP only when you can make good use of it.

Statistic Chips
Each of these chips increases a measurable statistic by five points, no more, no less. 

A lifeforce augmentation chip -
Increases your lifeforce and, in turn, your health. Medical experts hate this one little chip.

A strength augmentation chip -
Does what it says on the card, increases your strength. Useful for those who value their physical might. Banned in professional sports.

A regeneration augmentation chip - 
Amplifies your wetwiring's regeneration process, helping you passively recover from wounds quicker. Won't cure hangovers.

An evasion augmentation chip -
Increases your twitch muscle responses, enabling you to completely dodge or otherwise mitigate incoming attacks. Does not work on sick burns, insults or alimony payments.

A psyche augmentation chip - 
Somehow increases your grip on reality, enabling you to withstand and understand more mindblowing secrets of the universe. Only really useful to nanoseers, and people who try to deny the existence of sporks.

A techcraft augmentation chip - 
Enhances your understanding of technical manuals, schematics and circuit diagrams. You will still misplace your 10mm socket everytime, however. Useful for Engineers.

An agility augmentation chip - 
Increase to your general agility, making you more nimble. Doesn't affect your ability to dodge. Useful for Scoundrels, and other similarly quick-witted rogues.

An aim augmentation chip - 
Assists your ability to stay on target, and useful if you want to shoot the wings off a drakkafly while in low orbit.

Experience Chips

These augment the experience you gain from the three major career paths of a Spacer, and operate on the same time restrictions as the previous chips and each kind of experience chip increases your gained experience by 30%.

Hacking chips increase your hacking experience gain, captaincy chips increase your Captaincy yields and the Experience chip increases your gains from ground-based combat.

Collectible Cards

At the Spacer Emporium, we offer two different packs of cards, popular amongst collectors. Read HELP COLLECTIBLES for more information!

A collectible card packet
Contains a single card, could be foiled, could be rare. But it will be from any set currently in circulation. You can always sell cards you don't want or have multiples of!
OPEN PACKET to get the card within!

A premium card packet
Slightly bulkier packet due to it also containing a random toy or item as well as a card. More likely to be a rare foiled card too!
OPEN PACKET to get the card and item inside!

Preservation. The average spacer has a great many things they want to preserve, but are more sentimental than functional. Spacer's Emporium sells some items that help with this, allowing you to keep those keepsakes around forever. 

Legal note: Spacer's Emporium does not guarantee the continued existence of your mementos past the eventual entropic death of the universe. No refunds in that event.

A holocard album
A nice, simple album to hold ten of your favorite holocards, or other still-images in one place and preserves your picturesque moments for all time!
Simply put your favorite moments inside for safekeeping.

A simple vase
This vase appears simple, but the nutrient and nanite rich water within it will never deplete, helping to preserve your favorite flowers within for eternity.
USE the vase to view the blooms placed within.

An empty holo-formed picture frame
Don't have enough pictures for an album, but still want to preserve some choice moments of your adventures? A holoframe is the perfect option! Place your holocard picture within the frame to keep it around forever, and as an added bonus the holocard frame can be customized with a number of presets for some personalization!

A botanical dehydrator
Prefer to preserve your botanicals through dehydration? Spacer's Emporium sells a top-notch dehydrator for all your dessication needs! Simple design, and simple operation allows the user to preserve plant matter indefinitely! 
OPEN the dehydrator, place the floral sample you wish to preserve inside and close the dehydrator back up again. It'll then quickly draw out all the moisture and return a dried sample of your flower, perfect to place in any number of arrangements!