Game Help Files

94.5.6 Miscellaneous Promo items

Some of these items may not be obtainable.

An aerosol can of smartpaint
Smartpaint[TM], a product of Sparklejoy Incorporated, uses color-changing nanites and a high-gloss finish to give you a rainbow of hues available at the touch of a button in a single aerosol can. For all your decoration and home crafting needs, choose Smartpaint[TM]! (Sparklejoy Incorporated does not condone the use of Smartpaint[TM] on public property.)
TURN CAN to set the color of your graffiti message
SPRAY <prop> <message> to leave your graffiti message on the desired prop.
Note: Type or click the word GRAFFITI (a line will appear at the end of the room description if there is graffiti in the area) and quickly get a list of tagged items.
Note: Each can comes with 10 charges

A transponder registration chip
The Stellar Insurance Corporation is proud to announce that it has finally perfected a proprietary hardware device that will allow you to re-register your transponder while protecting your ship's  identity. Pick up a transponder registration chip today if you find yourself dissatisfied with the name of your spacegoing vessel.
SHIP RENAME <new name> while on your ship and holding the chip item.
Note: One use only!
Note: Your ship's identity is a public affair and, while standing in an INSURANCE office, anyone can check INSURANCE HISTORY <name> to see the naming history of a ship.

A holographic ad projector
News reels and gossip feeds across the commsphere are abuzz with the latest tech trend sweeping the cities and stations of the sector. Personal holoprojectors, used for everything from advertising your personal brand to putting your enemies on blast, are popping up everywhere, to the consternation of local authorities. "It's, like, about localizing your visibility," says a Dagnir Rantom, a young Tukkav from Litharge. "Otherwise how will anyone, like, remember that you exist?"
Drop the holoprojector in a room and then PUSH it to activate it. Whatever you SAY next will be recorded into the holoprojector and it will be randomly displayed to players when they enter the room.
Note: There can only be ONE holoprojector in a room at any given time. They will reset to you after several days. PULL the holoprojector to get it back into your inventory.

A small neuroprojector
Neuroprojection is a new platform for directly interfacing with mindsim visual overlays for super-realistic augmented reality effects. It is being hailed as the latest and greatest advancement in A.R, though lawmakers across the sector have voiced concerns about privacy. Advertisers and early adopters, however, are enthusiastically getting on board with the device.
NEUROPROJECT <illusion> to broadcast your illusion/message to the room.
Note: 10 charges.

An experimental matter reorganizer
SpaceCase Interiors, an interior design firm, announces the release of their experimental matter reorganizer. The reorganizer makes onboard ship renovations a breeze, working within the physical bounds of your vessel's hull to craft the environment of your dreams. (The experimental matter reorganizer does not work on living tissue. SpaceCase Interiors takes no responsibility for any attempts to reorganize sentient flesh.)
You will automatically use this whenever you try SHIP REFIT REDESCRIBE ROOM and it will make your redescribe command free.                
Note: 4 charges.

A humming food preservation unit

Any food or drink that you put inside this fridge will stop decaying.

An understated leesa dispenser
This fancy metal box will generate 3 leesa joints every day that you can enjoy at your leisure.

Simply PUSH the dispenser to get your fix.

Concentrated alcohol dispenser
Allows you to SPIKE <drink> and turn all those boring non-alcoholic drinks into something more exciting (This is an artifact power that may also be purchased separately at any time).

A messaging drone

This tiny little drone can be easily programmed to deliver an anonymous message to anyone that is currently online. Simply PUSH DRONE <recipient> <message> to send them your thoughts. 15 minute cooldown.

A destroyer's broadcaster

This item can  be installed on your ship to transmit an altered signal proclaiming your deeds throughout the sector whenever you successfully destroy another ship. To use it, simply hold the item, and use the SHIP DESIGN DEATHSIGHT option when standing in a ship docked at a chopshop.

A INR retrieval drone control unit

These can be activated to recover your INR when you die. It will not retrieve it from the hands of another player though. This comes with 10 charges. To use it, you should ACTIVATE DRONE.

An issue of Urbane/Galactic Pilot/Downhome Spacer, etc
"Zines" are holographic periodicals distributed by various publishing houses across the galaxy. Each one will have a different set of customizations to dispense which you can use for either yourself or your ship. If you already have all the customizations a particular issue of a zine has to offer, subsequent copies will give you the value of those customizations in credits.

A token of friendship
Should you obtain one of these rare tokens, you have the ability to claim friendship of any NPC in the game. As such, you can specify a custom greeting from the NPC of your choice*. File an ISSUE with the details of your request in order to bring your friendship to life. Your token will be claimed at the time of fulfillment. 

Custom greetings consist of one emote and one spoken line.

*There are a few exceptions to this - main quest characters, battlemasters, and npcs critical to the new player experience will not be modified in this way. Requests must also not be wildly out of character for the NPC in question - no asking the biggest, scariest villain in the game to curtsey at the sight of you and serve you tea. Friendship tokens will not be claimed until request is granted.